Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - The Central Women's Representative

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Gremien & Beauftragte, Wichtige Dokumente | The Central Women's Representative | Events | International Women's Day | Women’s Plenary Session 2016: Women and Escape – Interrupted Courses of Education

Women’s Plenary Session 2016: Women and Escape – Interrupted Courses of Education

Throughout the year 2014, almost 14 million people were driven out of their home countries. Only the smallest fraction made it to Europe and was able to apply for asylum. There are only few women among them and they are often overlooked. The questions remain: how can and will their life continue after their arrival in Germany. How can the courses of education that were interrupted by their escape be continued? How can Humboldt-Universität support and empower?

These were some of the questions that moderator Dr Ines Kappert (Gunda Werner Institut, Heinrich Boell Stiftung) discussed with the experts (e.g. Prof Naika Foroutan, Prof Manuela Bojadzijev, Didem Vural and Arwa Tarani) and moderator Dr Ines Kappert (Gunda Werner Institut, Heinrich Boell Stiftung) and the audience.