Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kommission zur Überprüfung von Vorwürfen wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens

Vorwürfe wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhaltens

Allegations of academic misconduct


Information on the guidelines and standards of good scientific practice according to which researchers at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin work can be found on the good academic practice (GWP) page.


The Ombudspersons of Humboldt-Universität advise the members of Humboldt-Universität as neutral contact persons in questions of good scientific practice and in suspected cases of academic misconduct.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Benson

Prof. Dr. Oliver Benson
Department of Physics
Newtonstr. 15, Room 1'704
Phone: +49 30 2093-82300

Prof. Dr. Rasha Abdel Rahman
Department of Psychology
Rudower Chaussee 18, 12489 Berlin
Room 1.204b
Phone: +49 30 2093-9413


Deputy Ombudspersons
Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger

Prof. Dr. Florian Jeßberger
Faculty of Law
Bebelplatz 2, Room E32
Phone: +49 (30) 2093-3316

Prof. Dr. Anke te Heesen
Department of History
Friedrichstraße 191-193, 10117 Berlin
Room 5025
Phone: +49 (30) 2093-70624


In addition, it is possible to turn to the DFG's Ombudsman Committee in the event of questions and conflicts in the area of good academic practice or research integrity.


Commission for the Review of Allegations of Scientific Misconduct (KWF)


The KWF examines allegations of scientific misconduct against members and former members of Humboldt-Universität that are alleged to have occurred during their employment there. As a matter of principle, it does not review research that has been conducted within the framework of the study programs offered at HU (with the exception of doctoral programs).



  • Dr. Edda Klipp (Faculty of Life Sciences, Institut of Biology, Commission Chair)
  • Dr. Axel Metzger (Faculty of Law)
  • Dr. Claudia Stockinger (Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Institute of German Literature)
  • Dr. Matthias Weidlich (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute for Computer Science)
  • Mike Ahrens (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut of Chemics)
  • Romy Jaster (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Institut of Philosophy)

Deputy members:

  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann (Faculty of Law)
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Heger (Faculty of Law)
  • Prof. Dr. Henrik Simojoki (Faculty of Theology)
  • Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Social Sciences)
  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Walther (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Mathematics)
  • Dr. Dominic Gröger (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute of Chemistry)
  • Dr. Hannah Markus (Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities, Institute of German Literature)


KWF Office

Please address reports of scientific misconduct by members and former members of Humboldt-Universität in written form to the Commission's office.


E-Mail: geschaeftsstelle-KWF (at)

Petra Franz

Phone: +49 30 2093-20035

Dr. Katrin Schaar (deputy)

Phone: +49 30 2093-12914


Address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin